The Tennessee Master Nursery Producer program (TMNP), both regular and advanced, is a professional development program for nursery crops producers. Designed to provide Tennessee nursery crops producers with best information, the program seeks to enhance profitability and long-term environmental, economic, and community sustainability. The curriculum was developed by the Tennessee Master Nursery Committee under the leadership of the University of Tennessee with representatives from Tennessee State University and the United States Department of Agriculture. The inaugural TMNP class was held in fall of 2012 with 45 growers graduating in January 2013. The Advanced Tennessee Master Nursery Producer program (ATMNP) was launched March of 2019. Both programs are offered exclusively online.

TMNP provides innovative solutions for Tennessee nursery crops producers.
TMNP is offered in a new online format through the University of Tennessee’s Knowledge and Training Excellence, know as k@te (formerly extOL), and is available to all Tennessee nursery owners, managers, and employees.
The TDA does have requirements regarding who can take the class to qualify for additional TAEP cost share and deadlines. Please contact the TDA for more details.
The course consists of 21 modules that are approximately 1 hour long. Participants are routed through them in the following order:
- Marketing and Economics | 3 modules
- Irrigation | 2 modules
- Container Production | 4 modules
- Plant Nutrition and Fertilization | 1 module
- Field Production | 3 modules
- Pruning, Staking, and Branch Architecture | 1 module
- Propagation | 2 modules
- Pest Management | 5 modules
Each module is followed by a quiz that is similar to the comprehensive exam at the end of the program. The quizzes can be retaken as many times as necessary but a grade of 70% must be earned before moving to the next section.
The TMNP program costs $125 per participant. The cost is largely defrayed by a generous grant from the TDA.
Once you have successfully completed all 21 modules, you will be given access the exam as a part of the online course.
For general questions about the online program content, please contact Professor Amy Fulcher at or 865-974-7152.
To troubleshoot technical difficulties with the online program, please contact John Toman at
For information on eligibility or requirements for the TAEP program or other TAEP questions, please contact:
TN Department of Agriculture
PO Box 40627
Nashville, TN 37204
Saving Money
The 2012 inaugural class of the TMNP estimated saving $4,272 per graduate in the first year after graduation from information gained from the course. These Tennessee nursery crops producers are approaching producing and selling plants in new and innovative ways creating annual savings and increasing the impact of TMNP over time.
Beginning in winter 2014, these producers indicated they saved on average $6,812 due to information gained from the course and an additional $7,375 due to an increase in quality of product. Put TMNP to work in your nursery!
More Information
If you have questions or need more information about the TMNP, please contact Professor Amy Fulcher at or 865-974-7152. Please continue to check for updates on the development and launch of the online course.
For more information about the TAEP please visit
Or, contact:
TAEP Producer Diversification Coordinator
Market Development Division
Ellington Agricultural Center, Holeman Building
PO Box 40627, Nashville, TN 37204
Supplemental Materials
View documentation and reference materials related to this certification. Supplemental Materials