Become a Member

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The Tennessee Plant Research Center was formed to bring together research groups from The University of Tennessee, Knoxville, and the UT Institute of Agriculture as well as the Oak Ridge National Lab that have a common interest in understanding and applying plant biology. The goal of this community is to foster collaboration between the research groups, promote plant-related research in the Knoxville area, and raise the profile of UT plant research both locally and nationally. The PRC has operated since 2009 and has successfully established a plant research community that meets regularly for monthly colloquia and that directly supports student training by partially funding student travel to national and international meetings.

Member Benefits

Advisors that join will give their advisees an opportunity to apply for graduate travel funds given by the PRC. Colloquia/Meetings will be held at noon on the last Thursday of the month throughout the spring and fall semesters. These meetings will consist of a free buffet lunch, presentations given by other members, and any announcements the PRC might have. Involvement in the PRC connects members from all areas of plant research together.

How To Become a PRC Faculty Member

Send an email to Holly Brabazon. Include your name, headshot, lab website or link to bio, research information, and anything else you would like to be included on the PRC website. Attend as many colloquia as your schedule permits.

Anyone and everyone is welcome to attend the monthly colloquia. Please email Holly Brabazon to be added to the email list for updates and announcements.